It's a well known fact that I destroy toys. It really doesn't matter the shape or size or make or model...I will rip into it and take out it's guts. Then I will eat the guts and poop them out. It's kind of like that whole "circle of life" stuff that the Discovery Channel talks about.
Now, Patches is a chomper. I keep telling him that chomping down on something doesn't bring on the destruction. He doesn't care, and probably figures that I do enough damage for the both of us.
Let me show you what I affectionately call the "Puggle Grind:"

Place the toy (in this case it is a brand new flying squierrel frisbee thingy that set my mama back $9.99, plus tax) deep into the corner of your mouth. Bite down. And, grind like the humans do when they are stressed. I promise, you don't even need strong jaws! (Feel free to change sides from time to don't want to wear down one side of your mouth because that will make eating treats tricky.)

In about 2 minutes, your human will take the toy you are biting, look at your handiwork, sigh, shrug and give it back to you since there's nothing they can do anyway.