(Hey Maggie - - I think my beard may be longer than yours!)
We hope that everyone has a fun and fantastic Christmas holiday! We plan to spend the day with our mama (who tried to be sneaky by hiding our presents where she thought we wouldn't find them!), eating wonderful food (cookies!) and playing with our new toys (ooop...let the cat out of the bag!).
Tear some wrapping paper. Knock down a few ornaments from the tree. Be Merry! We love you guys!
Have fun!
Hee, hee, heee, BOL! Santa and his little helper...too cute! are one handsome Kris Kringle. Merry Christmas!
Hey, Sparky! I think you may be right!
Merry Christmas! We hope Santa was generous! Enjoy that special Christmas dindin, guys!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey, Sparky & Patches!
Stanley & I and all of us here in GooberStan wish you a VERY merry Christmas, and we hope your day is filled with good lovin' & some good eatin'!
We can't wait to catch up with what you've been doing.
Goobery love,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Very happy,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Howlidays hope Santa Paws brought you everything you wanted. Oh and our cat brother Frodo said to say Meowy Christmas.
Ruby and Bumbler
Goodness you two look stern in that photo. Are you trying to make mom get out your pressies?
Happy holidays to all of you. Hope you are enjoying your new life too.
Katherine and Pippa
Hope you guys had a great Christmas! Your picture is very cute!
Merry Christmas Sparky and Patches!! You have great holiday costumes!! I hope Santa Paws brought you all sorts of great new treats and toys!
Hugs and Licks, Bruschi
We hope you had a merry Christmas and Santa was very generous. Thank you so much for the card and picture. Our girl loves the glitter on the card. We love the picture of you two.
Hope you had a great holiday!!
I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you soooo very much for the beautiful Christmas card! I just LOVE your picture!
Merry Christmas guys! I'm sorry to hear about Pandie. I'm glad that she was able to stay in the family though.
Hello, this is Jessie Ward with Animal Planet's DOGS 101.
We are currently in production on Season Two of DOGS 101, a series for Animal Planet. A DOG 101 is the television encyclopedia of dog breeds. Each episode explores the history, purpose, temperament, amazing accomplishments, and curious facts about the most popular dog breeds in the world. A crucial theme of the series is the powerful love, the intense emotional bond that forms between dogs and their humans.
We are looking for an uplifting human-interest story that is outside the norm to be featured on our upcoming season of DOGS 101 about the PUGGLE designer breed. These stories look beyond the basic show dog, breeder stories, or general therapy dogs and focus on amazing feats, talents, strengths, or the special relationships between a PUGGLE and its owner. The biggest challenge of this show is finding stories that are VISUALLY stimulating. Newspaper stories are great but we need to show the dogs in action when doing these types of shows!
As a person who is passionate about the PUGGLE breed, do know of anyone who owns a PUGGLE that we might want to contact to see if they would be a good fit on our programming because they have an amazing story? Any contact information you could provide me with today would be greatly appreciated. The more contacts the merrier!
To find out more information about us, you can go to our website at:
Thank you so much for your time and I hope to talk to you in the very near future!
J e s s i e L y n n W a r d
Powderhouse Productions
212 Elm Street 3rd Floor
Somerville, MA 02144 USA
c. 1.617.908.4899
f. 1.617.629.0600
Animal Planet - 'DOGS/CATS 101'
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