Every weekend, my mama builds me a nice warm nest on the big bed for me to relax in.

Sparky doesn't get to experience these nests because he likes to eat socks and undies. Plus, he doesn't understand the art and concept of relaxing.
The life and times of two hybrid puppies, Sparky the Puggle and Patches the Beaglier. We live hard, play hard and sleep hard!
Love that picture! You've got it made in the shade, friend!
I guess I'm like Sparky, all I see is lots and lots of clothes to chew on!
Frenchie Snorts
We're not allowed on the bed! You look so comfy, Patches!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We don't get to lay on the nice warm clothes either ebcause Sasha eats underwear and I get black hari on everything. My cat brother gets to though which is totally unfair!
Oh, how comfy!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh, my girl built me a fort just like that last night!! :-)
You are so so handsome!
Because of pictures like this, I gave you guys an award today on my blog.
I thought I was the only one who liked to build nests! What a relief!
Patches... that is a beautiful nest!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
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