The life and times of two hybrid puppies, Sparky the Puggle and Patches the Beaglier. We live hard, play hard and sleep hard!
See all those banana breads? I can totally jump up onto that table and make her start all over if I felt like it! I didn't because I'm pretty sure that Mama would've fashioned my hide into a handbag, and I have way more living to do. However, I did steal one when Sparky and Pandie went outside to go potty. I had exactly 3 minutes to steal the loaf, unwrap it and hide the evidence.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a very good hiding place for the yucky wrapper.
I was sent to jail, where I did the time for doing the crime. I didn't even pretend to be regretful as I licked the crumbs off my lips for about 20 minutes as my mom kept asking "Why Patches, why?" Oh! My tummy!
If I wasn't a boy, pups and humans alike might think that I was in the "family way!" My tummy was huge and moved on it's own! I took it easy the rest of the day - partly because I couldn't move very well. I can't wait to see if my poo smells like bananas.