Just a brief update before I get to the more important stuff - my stupid pop did not propose to my mama. She's really sad, but us boys have been loving on her big time. I'm not really sure what the next step will be, but I'll be sure to keep everypup posted.Camping was on the agenda for this weekend...although not originally. The real plan was to meet up with
Dory and her human Liza, but my mama flaked out a bit and totally forgot they would be in town. (A couple days off does that to a person, I guess.) I want to personally apologize to my friends, because I was really looking forward to our play time. My mama feels really badly too.
Camping was fun though! I've been a couple of time this summer, but this was Patches' first time camping ever. He was a little unsure at first, but he caught on quickly. Plus, mama brought some yummy stuff to keep us busy when we weren't playing or running. Knuckle bones are the absolute bestest!
Pop built a fire.
We got a little too close - but it felt so good, it was hard to stay away. The nights were nice and cold, but the fire (and mama's fuzzy blankets) kept us nice and toasty warm.

Then, we got to do something we've never done before...run around off-leash!!! Well, I was off-leash - Patches had
two leashes attached to him in case he got into trouble, because he doesn't know the "come here" command as perfectly as I do. Lucky for my parents, he follows me everywhere anyway. Check out our floppy ears as we run.

Back at the camp site, I dug for
truffles (wild mushrooms) and Patches chewed on some sticks. Mama was really hoping I would find a truffle, because she said it would've gone nicely with our grilled steaks.

I hope you don't get a tummy ache from that stick!We had a great weekend, and I'm hoping that my pop takes me camping again this weekend when he goes out with the guys.