Update #1: Yesterday, my mama, my pop and I went for a walk around the lake in the next town over - which included a stop at the ice cream parlor in the park! Guess who got to eat a vanilla ice cream cone without sharing? ME! It was the most awesomist thing every, oh my doG. My mama kinda laughed at me though, because I got ice cream all over my face...I didn't care though. If it wasn't dark, my mama would've taken a picture.
Update #2: I successfully cleared the kitchen out at my grandma's house, with one single gas bomb.
Update #3 (and the most exciting!): I might be getting a brother!!!! At the end of our walk, we ran into a couple of humans who were hanging out on their porch. Of course, they wanted to know all about me when I walked by, so my mama and pop stopped to speak to them. Turns out, they have a male puggle as well - but they are moving, and have to find a good home for him. They asked my mama if she wanted him!!!! Mama does, and I do...but pop doesn't because he has a heart of stone. Mama's working really hard on him though. He said that he would think about it, but he really doesn't want someone else's
problem, when he already has a
problem of his own, whatever
that means. Regardless, my mama is going to bring me over to their house to meet this new puggle when she comes back from her business trip!

Now, I've actually met him before, and he's a nice dude. Much calmer that I was, that's for sure! Mama hopes that we get along off-leash as well as we did on-leash - - and that the owners are serious about giving him away. (The lady sounded like she really did want to keep him.) This new puggle is a little bit bigger than me, and a couple of months older, recently neutered and he's FAWN. (< - - - - like the picture here!) Everypup, say a little bark that pop comes around! I really think my family needs a puggle in every color.
Update #4: No sighting of the pittbulls recently, so that's good. But, our next door neighbor's son brought a pittbull puppy home this weekend...I got to meet her, and she seems OK - but still. Maybe the bad pittbulls will make friends with the good pittbull, and they won't bug me anymore.