Saturday, September 29, 2007
Lots of updates...little time
It's also my mama and pop's dating anniversary! September 29, 2000 was their first date. Pop still has proposed, and he has until tomorrow or my mama, me and Patches may be finding a new place to live. Mama's a little sad - but hopefully pop will do the right thing. We'll know for sure on Monday.
Patches pooped on me. Can you believe the nerve of that puppy? Mama put us in the same kennel so we could snuggle, and in the middle of the night, he snuck into the corner and dropped a stinky load. I was not amused, and we both had to endure pre-breakfast baths. I never want to share a kennel with him again, until he can control himself.
Mama had a really bad accident on Tuesday night...her car exploded on her. The engine overheated, she pulled over and looked under the hood. Suddenly, the reservior that keeps all the antifreeze and water for the engine popped a hole, and all that yucky stuff got all over mama's neck, face, arms and chest. She has 1st degree burns on her neck and chest, and we are not allowed to lay on her anymore. (Luckily it wasn't as bad as it could have been - although she was taken to the ER in an ambulance!) Doesn't every human out there know that you shouldn't look under the hood if your car overheats?! Not my mama!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tagged by Clover
The first tag is to tell you five names we have for our mom. Some dog bloggers had a hard time with this...but we didn't! Having a brother means that you talk about your humans behind their back!
1. Mama
2. Miss Cheap-o
3. Kit-Kat (yum! Well, this is pop's nickname for her.)
4. Stinky...just take my word on this.
5. Pillow Chest
And now, for the car that is most like me....
I mean really, is there any other car we could've picked? (I think that Toyota should give us a Prius since we are both hybrids as well - - we particularly like the green model, and it doesn't have to be fully loaded...we're simple folk.)
We're going to tag Amber, Solid Gold Dancer and our new puggle pal, Cooper!
Mama tried so hard to take Patches' picture last night, but he was being such a puppy! He'd sit still for like, a nano-second - then jump up and try to lick the camera. I have no idea how this whole Christmas card idea she has is going to work. Mr. Poopalicious has finally grown out of the sleepy stage, and is now into the "play until you drop dead" stage....which is fine by me, because I am in that stage as well!
Sit down Patches Earlobe, and smile - you'll get a treat dontcha know. Oh, and try to look cute.
There! That's a good boy.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sleeping arrangements

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Sharing Toys

Sometimes, we share.

Monday, September 17, 2007
Sparky is in trooooooooooouble!

Apparently someone has a sweet tooth and it isn't me. I didn't even have to tattle, because Sparky got caught in the act, the second time!!!
He couldn't even hide the evidence. Is that a strawberry on your head, or are you happy to see me? Ruff, ruff!

Sunday, September 16, 2007
The dual leash

The first time we used it, the leashes were the same length. Mama did this because she thought it would keep Patches and me on equal footing. And it did, for a little while. Then, I had to stop to poo...and I poo'ed right on Patches' nose before my mama could figure out what was happening! Needless to say, our walk ended there and Patches was forced to have a bath.
After that incident, mama made an adjustment to the lengths - giving me a little more, and Patches a little less. Just when we thought we had a good balance, we all stopped to socialize with an Amber/Charlie knock-off. If you look closely at the picture, you will see that my portion of the leash got wrapped around Patches' neck...when I decided it was time to move on, I pulled on the leash and dragged Patch-man about 15 feet before mama could make the correction.

Oops! Not my fault!!! We're still working on this dual leash thing! After that, mama unhooked us, and finished the walk with two leashes. (Luckily, she came prepared!) I don't know how many more walks it will take for us to perfect this system, but we are not about to give up so soon!
Monday, September 10, 2007
The cup of doom
Middle Name
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.
4. At the end of your post, choose one dog (or more) to tag for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to let each puppy know she/he has been tagged. (It's okay if you don't do this... tag who you want to tag!)
My full name is now Spartacus Canoli, because my kisses are like a sweet dessert.
C - controversial
A - agile
N - never napping
O - open book
L - loveable
I - innocent
Patches full name is a no brainer for anyone looking at his pictures...Patches Earlobe.
E - enthusiastic
A - awkward
R - reactionary
L - loyal
O - observant
B - bitey
E - earnest
Friday, September 7, 2007
A serious game of bitey-face

However, I am not the only one...our little guy can certainly hold his own.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The potty training continues
I thought you could see the bell, but it is hiding behind that massive clamp:

Saturday, September 1, 2007
The Scattergories Game
I've been waiting for someone to tag me for the Scattergories game, and finally Stanley - DWB awesome blog winner! - tagged everypup who hasn't here we go:
In case you haven't seen it yet, here are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions. They must be real places, names and things...nothing made up! You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl question. If you name happens to start with the same letter as mine, sorry, but you can't use my answers! ('cause that would be cheatin'!)
My name: Sparatcus
Famous Singer: Sting
Four Letter Word: Stop!
Street: Seneca
Color: Sienna
Gifts/Presents: Stuffies
Vehicle: Saturn
Things in a Souvenir Shop: Shirts
Boy Name: Sam
Girl Name: Sofia
Movie Title: Saving Private Ryan
Alcoholic Drink: Sangria (I asked my mama for help on this one!)
Occupation: Salesman
Celebrity: Steven Spielberg (2 pointer!)
Magazine: Spin
US City: San Francisco
Pro Sports: Skating
Fruit: Seedless Grapes
Reason for Being Late to Work: Snow Storm
And, I think that it's only fair that we do this game with Patches also...
My name: Patches
Famous Singer: Pink
Four Letter Word: Puke
Street: Parkwood
Color: Periwinkle
Gifts/Presents: Photos
Vehicle: Prius (another hybrid, like us!)
Things in a Souvenir Shop: Postcards
Boy Name: Peter
Girl Name: Penelope
Movie Title: Porkies I, II and III
Alcoholic Drink: Prosecco
Occupation: Plumber
Celebrity: Paker Posey
Magazine: Playboy (I asked my pop about that one)
US City: Phoenix
Pro Sports: Paintball
Fruit: Plums
Reason for Being Late to Work: Poor visibility
We scoured the dog blog'o'sphere for those who have not done this game and found these awesome pups to tag: Wonder Ruby, Dory and Bear.