Hey everypup!!!! I have a secret to tell you all about how you can get yummy treats without having to work for them!
Make sure your humans are not over your shoulder as you are reading this...because you don't want them in on your master plan.
Step One: When you catch of wiff of a human party being planned, be as well behaved and cute as possible. You want to go to this party! I know that most of you have been practicing your irresistible look, so this should be a snap - and if you are not practicing...you must! Get yourself in front of the mirror NOW.
Step Two: If you are lucky, you will be offered an invite to the party, if not follow your people out to the car, and sneak into the backseat. Be very, very quiet and they will not notice you until it is too late! By then, you are already at the party. Score!
Step Three: Make friends with all the party-goers. (This is where being super cute comes into play again.) Do every trick in your arsenal, especially ones that you refuse to do for your parents. (I pulled out the "High 5" and "Rollover" and made everyone fall in love with me!)
Step Four: When the food is served, casually "visit" every human in the joint. Give them your best puppy eyes, and you will be rewarded with snacks! There were 23 people at my party, so I got 23 chicken chunks, 23 beef chunks, 23 bites of roll, 23 pieces of fruit, 23 rounds of zucchini, and 23 bites of cake! I am not kidding. My mama didn't even realize until I started to waddle. For evidence, here is my belly.

As you can see, it is stretched to the limit. My mama put her ear against my tummy and she said she could hear weird noises coming from deep inside.
And, most importantly...Step Five: Make sure you poop
outside, or else you will never be allowed to party hardy again.