Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!

(Hey Maggie - - I think my beard may be longer than yours!)
We hope that everyone has a fun and fantastic Christmas holiday! We plan to spend the day with our mama (who tried to be sneaky by hiding our presents where she thought we wouldn't find them!), eating wonderful food (cookies!) and playing with our new toys (ooop...let the cat out of the bag!).
Where's Pandie?
Luckily, one of our cousins stepped in and gobbled up Pandie Bear! She's healthy and happy and getting ALL the (proper) attention she deserves. We're a little jealous that she has a huge fenced-in backyard to play in.
So, we're back to a two dog household and everything is as it should be. Our mama only has two hands, so she shouldn't really have more than two dogs. (We think the Brat Pack's mama is secretly an octopus!)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Holiday Card Pics - a sneak preview
Monday, November 17, 2008
Get in my belly!
See all those banana breads? I can totally jump up onto that table and make her start all over if I felt like it! I didn't because I'm pretty sure that Mama would've fashioned my hide into a handbag, and I have way more living to do. However, I did steal one when Sparky and Pandie went outside to go potty. I had exactly 3 minutes to steal the loaf, unwrap it and hide the evidence.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a very good hiding place for the yucky wrapper.
I was sent to jail, where I did the time for doing the crime. I didn't even pretend to be regretful as I licked the crumbs off my lips for about 20 minutes as my mom kept asking "Why Patches, why?" Oh! My tummy!
If I wasn't a boy, pups and humans alike might think that I was in the "family way!" My tummy was huge and moved on it's own! I took it easy the rest of the day - partly because I couldn't move very well. I can't wait to see if my poo smells like bananas.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Vote in our Poll!
Chiquita means "little girl" in Spanish.
Pandemonium (or Pandie for short) is a fab name for her, because she is so full of energy AND she looks like a panda bear in the face. (Edited to add: my mama has been trying this name out, and the puppy actually comes when she calls her...)

We just can't decide!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Our new sister

Thursday, October 9, 2008
We're baaaaaack!

I contemplated jumping into the water, but decided to sit and stay as told...the water is looking pretty cold, and I just had a bath.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Run dog, run
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I've found the fountain of youth!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Not to worry - - we're simply relaxing
Really. How can you resist this mug?
No one can...it's impossible. See? That's my mama's thumb going in for a stroke on my nose. (I love my nose stroked, and so does Sparky...I also like kisses on my nose - right between my eyeballs, actually.) My pink parts are just as pink as my mama's nail! Cool!
Now you come here and let me return the favor. I didn't step in any poo today, so my paws are safe. Besides, I saw you pick that M&M up off the floor and eat it. On a side note - now everyone can see why I was named Patches...
Monday, July 7, 2008
My Party!
Anyway, we did celebrate my birth in high style...
I posed with the traditional birthday hat. It was a little too big for me, but I'm not the kind of pup who relents to dorky displays of embarassment.

And, I feasted on an Organic Frosty Paws in the dark (thanks to my grandma!) and used my own paw for balance, which every human thought was cute. You can't let a drop of those things go to waste, ya know?

Of course, I shared it all with Sparky. He did teach me all the ropes during my very first year on earth. Spark, you can thank me later by letting me win during our many rounds of bitey face tonight.
Pee S - Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday!!!! It made me very happy, indeed.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Birthday Party!

Monday, June 9, 2008
Summer Photo Session
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

While I consider myself a great team player, I have to admit that I can be fairly clumsy. My puggle legs are short and I often trip over myself in the heat of a match. Patches on the other hand, is a total jock. He'd be first string on the varsity team, while I would be a bench warmer on JV. He's also fearless, and doesn't mind being stomped on when hangin' with his team.
Check out his awesome b'ball skilz!
Going in for the steal...Mission accomplished!
Moments after this photo was taken, Patches was ejected from the game because he received his 5th foul. While in the locker room, he got his nails trimmed.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Night at the Drive-In
He was actually really good! I think it was because we were hangin' out in mama's new car! (She got the Honda Fit Sport, in Tidewater Blue. The front seats lay flat, so we all snuggled in the back like one big happy family.)

I was really inspired by Iron Man and his ability to fly. Then, I realized that I also know how to defy gravity as well! Look, I'm going so fast that my tail is uncurling! If I had Patches' helicopter ears I probably could've soared even higher...maybe even to the moon.

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Naught is as naughty does

That's her copy of Marley and Me. Somedog in this household plucked it off of the bookshelf, while mama was in the shower, and ate it!
Don't tell anyone, but it was ME! Marley was a very naughty dog, but I'm pretty sure I could have given him a run for his money. I totally would've gotten away with it too, if there wasn't a chunk of paper caught in my teeth.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sharing is Caring

I didn't get this big dude's name, but he is one cool dog! His human allows him off leash as soon as they enter the park, and this guy makes a bee-line to the fenced in dog area in a flash! It's really funny. He's incredibly social and a great tug-o-war contestant. Plus, he always wears a fancy bandana.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The puggle grind

It's a well known fact that I destroy toys. It really doesn't matter the shape or size or make or model...I will rip into it and take out it's guts. Then I will eat the guts and poop them out. It's kind of like that whole "circle of life" stuff that the Discovery Channel talks about.
Now, Patches is a chomper. I keep telling him that chomping down on something doesn't bring on the destruction. He doesn't care, and probably figures that I do enough damage for the both of us.
Let me show you what I affectionately call the "Puggle Grind:"

Place the toy (in this case it is a brand new flying squierrel frisbee thingy that set my mama back $9.99, plus tax) deep into the corner of your mouth. Bite down. And, grind like the humans do when they are stressed. I promise, you don't even need strong jaws! (Feel free to change sides from time to time...you don't want to wear down one side of your mouth because that will make eating treats tricky.)

In about 2 minutes, your human will take the toy you are biting, look at your handiwork, sigh, shrug and give it back to you since there's nothing they can do anyway.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Our friend King

Here's Sparky pulling that trick again...only this time, we all ran after him!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Long walks = gigantic tongues

Monday, April 7, 2008
Tag Team
Monday, March 31, 2008
A constant state of destruction

Other items on this growing list that died way too soon:
- Loofa dogs, or all stuffies really.
- Rope 'bones' (I can untie the knots)
- Squeakers
- Kongs (I keep them for a short time, but then just have to chew them apart!)
- This thing was pretty much a joke.
- And, this freezer chew stick was demolished, but not before I untied all of the little knots and ate the strings.
- The fleece ball is only really held together by one tiny string, so once that was untied - fleece pieces were everywhere!
- My mama thought this toy would last, since it says "hardcore" right on it...but they were wrong. My super scissor teeth broke through the stitching in about 3 minutes.
- I had fun with the nylabone key chain, but soon found out that nylabone is NOT DIGESTIBLE.
- Mama's couch.
My pop jokes that he is going to make me something out of real car tires, or Kevlar.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
It's dog park time!
My subliminal messages totally paid off, because yesterday we got all harness up thinking that we would be taking another walk - and instead we went to the dog park! It was so exciting! There has been some speculation about Patches being naughty (like constantly barking, or running away) but he was such a gentleman to all the other boy and girl pups and their humans, and he listened so well to our Mama when she called for him. I was very proud of him.
Patches found his twin to hang out with too! Well, they are not really twins, or even the same breed - but they acted the same (CRAZY!) and had the same colors in their coat. Their playing made everyone laugh.
Wait...I'll zoom in for you...
I grew a little concerned when this little girl came in...I thought she was one of Nanook and Pooka's baby sheepies! I was only half wrong, she is a baby - and I was told that she definitely is not a sheepie, but a dog...a poodle mix of some sort. She was a snippy little creature. We stayed at the dog park until it started to get dark. Apparently, when the night falls and we are outside, we turn turn into aliens! Just like our new so-called alien friend, Walter, who is being remade into the glorious dog he should be by the Brat Pack.
Don't be scared everypup!!! We're still the same loveable puppies underneath our glow-in-the-dark eyeballs.