Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Walking Nicely thru Puddles

I was rewarded with some yummy treats for being such a good boy!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Playin' with Pop
This is me, squeezing myself between his legs. Look my the tongue peaking out!
Don't I look scary with all those new teeth?!
My mama thinks I look possessed in this picture. Funny, weird eyes - imagine if I looked like this in real life...
The playing had to stop when pop got hurt. I think one of my well manicured nails got him. Either that, or my snaggle tooth was the culprit!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Friday, March 23, 2007
Quick Update
Mama is stopping by the drug store after work, and will be picking up something called Benadryl. It's a human medicine, but the vet lady said that puppies can take it too. So, dog friends, I'm being drugged - and I have no say in the matter. The vet lady also told my mama that if the Benadryl doesn't work, then she will have to prescribe some Puppy Valium! How am I supposed to continue my puppy play when I am forced to be sleepy?!
But, the good news is that it is OK to go outside for a walk (in this beautiful Northeast Spring weather) - as long as I 1. am able to keep my incision dry, and 2. I don't run. It's going to be a terribly long weekend, I think.
Did I say life changing?
(My mama is going to help me with this post today, since I am "on" pain medication, which can sometimes make puppies loopy. BTW - my mama's name is Kat...isn't that silly? A KAT with a DOG!)
My surgery went very well yesterday...I lived to tell about it!
I overheard my vet lady talking to my mama about my smooshy pug-like snout and anesthesia - but it turned out not to be a problem after all, thanks to my beagle side! The hardest part of the whole thing was that I was not allowed to have breakfast in the morning, so my poor stomach was growling something fierce. They started off my taking my blood. Check out my super-duper vein!

It's a darn good thing that my mama was smart enough to get the insurance plan for me offered by my doctor, because the bill was ridiculous! Over $1,100 in itemized charges. Mama had to pay only $11.88 for the whole thing - medicine included! (Sparky's mama: That is so true! They probably trump up the charges, so it looks like you are saving a ton of money. I'm sure if I was paying out of pocket it would only be about $300 total.)
My recovery at home was short and sweet. Sure, I still have stitches - but looking at me last night, you would never know that I had surgery...my mama keeps telling me to calm down. But, I can't! My puppyness is just too strong for me to fight! So, to keep me from jumping on every surface in the house, my mama decided to practice my training commands. You know what that means? COOKIES! (Sparky can now shake hands!) MAMA! Stop interrupting me! (Sorry Spark-a-licious.) It's OK. *lick, lick*
I know that Suki doesn't like these Old Mother Hubbard treats - but I don't think they're too bad. (I have the peanut butter ones.) Here's to you, pretty Suki! *wink, wink* (Do you have a crush on lady Suki there Sparky?) NO! (Are you sure? You talk about her all the time.) Alright...I do. But, don't tell her...I don't want her to act strange around me.

BTW - I got quite a pep talk about peeing on the couch. I promise that I won't do it again! (That's good to hear. I seriously wanted to skin you last night and turn you into a handbag, or something.) Did you know that if you dry a couch cushion in the dryer, it will shrink a little?! I didn't!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
My last bit of retaliation, before being turned into a girl
So. I peed on the couch.
Yep. That's right. Peed, right on the couch. And, a lot too. My pop was even sitting right there next to me, and I think I managed to get a little pee on him too.
I know this makes me a very bad boy. In fact, I beat my humans to the dicipline, and walked calmly straight into my kennel without looking back.
Of course, I didn't think this through completely - because now, I am not allowed on the couch at all. But you know what? I don't want to sit on something that only has one cushion now anyway! Do you know how long it takes for a cushion to dry? A very long time I'm guessing.
Hopefully, in a couple of days I will lose my bitterness, and be back to my bouncy, happy self!
Sparky, aka, Nutless in NY
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Veggie Doggie
Monday, March 19, 2007
Life changing week...
It's not that I want a family of my own just yet...after all, I have my mama and pop to look after. (And, believe me - they need watching over!) But, the option would be nice. Oh well, I guess I could always adopt in a couple of years when I mature.
My pop is taking me in and picking me up, since my mama has a work event that day. This is probably a good thing, since he understands my plight.
In other news....

We got more snow! I know the last time I was a little leary of the stuff, but I am a total pro now! My mama tied me up to our porch post while she was shoveling, and every now and then, she'd throw a shovel full of snow at me...it was so much fun! The only bad thing is that (once again) my poop place is covered, and I have to really use my nose to sniff out all of my favorite bathroom places.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Progress Report #2
Later that evening was my second obedience class. I totally ruled the class! Last week I was very hyper and just wanted to play with all the other doggies in the roped off area. This week, I knew those fools already and just wanted to show off all my skilz! My mama is sick (throat issues), but she used a lot of the hand signals that we practiced, so she didn't even have to use her voice. My teacher was very surprised that I know how to sit, lay down and stay without being told - and without needing a treat. Instead of Max being the go-to guy...I was.
Even though I was a little miffed at my mama earlier, she made it all better when she brought me a special treat to train with - - - - HOT DOGS! My most favorite treat in the whole world! They made her fingers smell super good too! All the other dogs had regular treats to train with - and they didn't pay as much attention to their humans as I did.
And, Henry didn't hump me one single time! He did try a couple of times though, and was reprimanded right away. Mama spoke to the instructor beforehand, and told her that Henry was mounting me and that she didn't like it (neither did I!), and my teacher kept one eye glued to Henry throughout the night.
We also practiced walking. Now, I am a good walker - but not in the way that my instructor wants me to be taught. She wants me to stay at my mama's side, and I am no longer allowed to sniff the yellow snow anymore. I don't know how fun walking is going to be with this new method!
Monday, March 12, 2007
We found it!!! We found the dog park!!!! Horray!
I was a little weary going in at first, so my mama let me sniff around the fence area and greet some of the dogs (and their humans) before stepping in. A couple of seconds later, I was in the dog park - off my leash - and on my way to making lots of canine friends. It was the bestest! There were lots of doggies there...Pugs, Beagles, (could've been my parents! Ruff!) Labs, 2 Newfies - 1 that was as big as a horse! - Terriers of all kinds, and a Pittbull. The Pitt's name was Zeek, and we played a lot, which kinda made my mama a little nervous, but I could tell that she was keeping a good eye on me. Zeek would chase me, then tackle me - but then, I would jump on him. It was great fun! Zeek's mommy called out all kinds of commands to him...and he followed them. He's so smart. I hope I become that smart, with the help of all my schooling.
Here are some pictures of my day:

This Pug was really intent on smelling my butt! We played "follow the leader" a lot, and I was always the leader!

Me and Zeek (and Zeek's mom) on the benches as the Newfoundland horse came into the park. Zeek and I kinda look alike...I'm the smaller one.

Woof! I needed a break!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Progress Report #1
Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Monday, March 5, 2007
Bad, Bad news!!!!
Hey doggie friends...do you have any insight on what I can expect? Do they give out treats? Will they care if I poop on the floor? What if I get performance anxiety and all the other puppies bark at me?
The longest walk...ever!

Like most of my mama's best laid plans - this walk thing didn't exactly go as planned. First of all, those 28 inches of snow we got are now melting, which is good. But, in some areas, the melting snow made puddles that were as deep as my elbows, and that is anything BUT good! In fact, that was very, very bad. Plus, because we live in the not-so-good-part-of-town, not a lot of residents shovel their walkways, which then forced us to walk in the street. I am not a very good street walker. (LOLruff!)

About half-way to our destination, mama decided to take off my stupid sweater, because it was soaking wet and very, very muddy. I practically howled in joy! I noticed she didn't chuck it though...

Guess what happened when I got home? Yep - a bath! I like the water, so it was no big deal. I smell like a rose garden and everyone wants to cuddle me!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
The elusive dog park
We drove through the town a little, and mama kept muttering about "the sun going down" and "gotta find it" and "Sparky, SIT DOWN!" I started to get excited when we entered the park! I've never been to a park - but I've read about it on other blogs...and it looks like a really cool place, in the summertime. But, it's winter (in case you need reminding) and it's too cold for little pups like me - but mama had a plan.
Then, I felt it. Poop! Right at the hole! I started to cry a little. Mama must've thought that I was just being naughty ('cause I am really naughty) and told me to stop. She just didn't understand. I finally had to get up and wave my butt in her face - and when I did, she managed to find a place to park just in a nick of time...as soon as my hind legs hit the pavement, I squatted. Close call!!! I laughed a little when mama bent over to pick it up with a baggie, because it was a stinky one!
We never did find the dog park - but I'm sure we will try again this weekend. It's supposed to be by the tennis courts, but we walked a little and didn't see it. Maybe it was too dark by the time we parked. Or, maybe we need a map.