Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Dear Santa Paws

Dear Santa Paws,

I am sorry that I barked at you the other day when we attempted to have our pictures taken with you, but I do have to protect my mama. I hope you understand. I am so very excited right now because this is my first ever Christmas! I've been so good - - as good as a 6-month old puppy can be. I've kept *my* destruction contained to dog toys and bones, and not the livingroom couch like another pup I know. Overall I have been a loving, playful and attentive puppy, so I am hoping that you may grant me a couple of requests for Christmas...

Santa, please keep all of our DWB friends in your heart over this Christmas season. Some have lost family members, while others have gained. There are a couple in particular who are going through some tough times - so just look over them for me. If you could send them some hugs, that would be wonderful. If you need any extra drool - let me know and I'll make some for you!

Please send me 8 extra pounds so that I will be as big as Sparky. We are already the same height, but I need the poundage, so I can knock him over and pin him down.

Please teach my mama how to use her camera without the flash.

I would really like one of these for Christmas. Sparky tells me that the water in the toilet is tastier than the water in our dishes, but the bathroom door is constantly closed, and this would be a pawesome compromise.

Thank you Santa Paws!!! Merry Christmas!

Patches, the Beaglier


Ferndoggle said...

Those are some great wishes Sparky!! You are very unselfish. We totally need one of those toilet bowl watering thingys.

And if Santa teaches your Mom to take pics without the flash, could you please have her teach our Mom? She just doesn't get it.

Sherman, Penny & Lola

Lizzy said...

Those are some great wishes, Patches. That toilet bowl look great! I want one of those!


Dandy Duke said...

The eight extra pounds should be an easy one! Just chow down on the cookies! We hope you get LOTS of them for Christmas, Patches!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

CoCo said...

Extra 8 pounds for Patches should be a piece of cake...literally! I hope Santa doesn't bring me any pounds because Daddy is threatening me with diet kibbles. I'm only 19.6 pounds....and you can still see my shape.

Amber-Mae said...

Great letter to Santa Paws & great wishes! OMdoG! I want one of those too as my water supplier. I agree with you. The water in the toi8lte bowl tastes much nicer.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Clover said...

Patches, don't worry about having barked at Santa Paws. I am sure he understands that you need to protect your mom.
I hope you get a toilet bowl water dish and some pounds!
Love Clover xo

Stella said...


You sure know how to ask for what you want, and I can't imagine Santa Paws not listening to you. If nothing else, I bet he'd like to see more pups drinking out of toilet bowls. I know I'd like to.

Gooby love & kissies for you,